Doug & Carolyn I. – Terminal Prostate Cancer Stage IV
Dear Dr. Joe
I arrived at Dr Joe Brown’s in September 2011 with stage 4 prostate cancer which had metastasized to the spine pelvic area and shoulders. I flew out from new hampshire and started treatment immediately with dr. brown. Six weeks later i was no longer on any pain med’s no pain of any kind in any of my bones and my PSA had dropped down from 30,000 down to 3. Over the next year I have continued to feel good, I’m back to work and i feel completely restored. I would recommend if you want to get well, do as I did. Don’t wait on starting treatment, start immediately and listen to Dr. Brown and follow his instructions.
Doug I.

Dr. Ken L. 55 year-old male Diagnosed with Stage III Prostate Cancer
As a former health care provider, when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2006, I did my due diligence to learn as much about treatment options as possible. I considered the traditional medical approached of surgery or radiation, both of which come with potential unpleasant and permanent side effects.
Fortunately, I had the good fortune to be referred to Dr. Joe Brown. Dr. Brown immediately put me at ease, explaining to me that not only were there many other Treatment Options, but also that I had time to explore them. He empowered me with knowledge that was not forthcoming from the other specialists with whom I had met. This was especially true in the area of the High Dose I.V. therapy, Injections of Around the World that he uses, Iscador injections, a complete diet specifically designed for patients with cancer and an oral supplementation plan, all to increase white blood cell counts, natural killer cell activity and apoplectic reactions to enhance the immune system to such a degree so it does what it should have done in the first place. In regards to the diet portion of it, he gave special attention to this, due to it seems to be a primary cause of prostate cancer.
Since then, I have improved my diet to enhance internal self healing, and have undertaken a course of IV treatments with Dr. Brown to boost my own immune system. The results has been a significant drop in my PSA levels. I have had no “side effects”, I have maintained my correct weight and I quickly seen a lowering of my cholesterol and triglycerides to their lowest level in 25 years. I have complete confidence in Dr. Brown and would recommend his office and treatments to anyone.
I have been so impressed with Dr. Brown’s common sense approach to cancer treatment. He is without a doubt the most knowledgeable person I have met in the area of Immunology and Nutrition. More than that, I have found his compassion and concern for my well-being to be a huge support during what would be a very stressful time for most people. He is much more than just a doctor.
Dr. Kenneth Law-Davis

Jack C. 72 year-old Diagnosed with Stage IV Terminal Pancreatic Cancer
Written by his wife Arlene
Jack was diagnosed with Stage IV prostate cancer in February of 2007. Jack was assigned an Oncologist who stated Jack had 6-12 months to live and that he could offer Jack chemotherapy with might lengthen his stay from 1-3 months longer. After hearing this heart wrenching news, we discussed this after getting past the initial shock, and felt that chemotherapy would make him very weak and kill all good as well as bad cells. We decided against chemotherapy and started researching Alternative and Integrative Medicine.
We visited 3 different Naturopathic Doctors, who were recommended to us. We had also read online articles briefly mentioning the Gerson diet. The 3rd doctor, Dr. Joe Brown, we interviewed, gave us a very good feeling. He was confident and very specific with his plan of care, as this is all he does is work with patients with cancer. And as a past cancer Survivor himself and spending countless time focused in the area of Oncology with a focus on other Natural Treatments we knew this was the Doctor to go to. He explained everything clearly and thoroughly and stated this would include a customized plan for Jack. Jacks treatments would be focused on the IV Treatments and Injection therapies from Germany and Switzerland, which increase White Blood cells and thus fight the cancer and reduce the tumor growth and size. He also reviewed a very limited diet that he would place Jack on to help to alkalinize the body.
We were also so very impressed by the information Dr. Brown told us regarding his own survival from Stage III/IV melanoma cancer. This was over 9 and a half years ago. And from all the patients we had ever met, all of his patients were having good outcomes and only positive results.
Jack later passed away from a complication to a low potassium level due to medication his Cardiologist adjusted for Jacks heart- not from pancreatic cancer. Upon this complication he was sent to the hospital and due to his past history of pancreatic cancer, along with the myriad of tests that are run in the hospital, they reran his tumor markers and scans of his organs. Jacks CA 19-9 markers (a marker used to track pancreatic cancer) were within range and after running scans in the hospital due to his past history there was no cancer shown on any scans that were completed.
Idaho – United States

Gina H. – Melanoma Cancer Survivor
My name is Gina, I am the head of the Banner Hospital Women’s Cancer Department. I first found out about Dr. Joe Brown as he is the “Only” Naturopathic Doctor ever asked to lecture and continue to be asked to lecture and participate in the Banner Hospital cancer engagements. He is an annual speaker for our Big Breast Health Cancer Fair we put on every October at Banner Hospital -Sun City.
I went to Dr. Joe for general Nutrition advice and to pick up some Physician Grade Vitamin and Herbal supplements from him. During a routine consultation and check up Dr. Brown had noticed a black mole on my right breast which he told me appeared to be a melanoma- the most aggressive form of skin cancer. I had told him that I just had my dermatologist look my skin over and he had told me that it wasn’t anything and to not worry about it.
Dr. Brown absolutely disagreed and sent me for removal and biopsy of the lesion to determine exact diagnosis. And THANK GOD HE DID- DR. BROWN WAS RIGHT!!! It was a melanoma cancer with deep margins that was growing deep into the breast tissue. He set me up for immediate removal and put me on his I.V. therapy, Nutrition plan, and supplement and vitamin regimen.
As even I know, Melanoma is the most deadly form of skin cancer. I can’t imagine what would have happen if I hadn’t listened to Dr. Joe Brown. I OWE MY LIFE TO DR. JOE BROWN.
Gina H. – Arizona

Bob H. – Diagnosed with Stage III \ IV Terminal Bladder Cancer
In January 2010 I noticed small dark red encapsulated blood drops in my urine. Since I was living in California and appointments were hard to get into, I faxed my then Urologist a summary of the facts and my concern about these small but unusual drops of blood in my urine. After going in and seeing him on multiple visits regarding the blood, he simply told me to “drink lots of water, these things often happen.”
In August 2010, I started to find blood, bright red blood now occurring in my urine stream, so as the blood was increasingly getting worse, I went in again to my Urologist and again he didn’t recommend anything to me. I then was over in Phoenix Arizona attending a Wednesday night lecture where Dr. Brown was lecturing for the night and after explaining my problem to a friend of mine who was at the lecture, he recommended I talk with Dr. Brown that night, which I did.
Dr. Brown asked me to come into his office, and he squeezed me into his very busy schedule the very next day as he was concerned with what I had told him had been going on with me. Dr. Brown spent extensive time reviewing my case, he went over my entire lifestyle, diet, and complete medical history. Dr. Brown immediately sent me in to get scans, blood tests and tumor markers run that same day to evaluate what was going on with this continued and increasing blood in the urine. Within the next day Dr. Brown had found that the blood I had had in my urine was being caused by bladder cancer, which was confirmed by the new Urologist Dr. Brown had set up for me.
I began Dr. Brown’s Intravenous protocol and Vaccine Therapy immediately as he suggested, started his Physician Grade Immune supplements, he put me on a specific diet and I followed them all just as he prescribed to me. I also have to tell you that I was taking 11 different medications when I first came to Dr. Brown. In 8 days he had me off 9 medications, which were costing me almost $1,000 dollars a month.
I continued Dr. Brown’s protocol for the next 2 months and as I’m sitting here writing this letter to you March 10th 2012, I am in remission, confirmed by my new Urologist as I follow up with him every 3 months and by Dr. Brown. I continue Dr. Brown’s supplements and diet he put me on.
I am Happy to say I am Cancer Free. I owe my life to Dr. Joe!
Bob H.
***UPDATE*** January 2013 – After continued Scans, Follow ups, and Blood work and Tumor Markers, I am happy to report I am still in Complete Remission. My bladder cancer is gone – I owe and Thank Dr. Brown for Everything – I owe my life to Dr. Joe!!!!

Debi W. 51 year-old Diagnosed with Stage III Malignant Melanoma
I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Malignant Melanoma in February of 2009. I always knew if I were to get cancer, I would choose Natural Treatments. I had witnessed a family member and a close friend fight cancer with Natural Treatments; they both are cancer free today. After refusing any Treatment options offered by my Conventional Medical Oncologist, I started researching my cancer. I drastically changed my diet, including herbs and vitamins along with acupuncture, and was doing healing sweats with a Medicine Man. I felt very good with the choices I had made and prayed for direction and wisdom each day to strengthen my mind that I was doing everything I needed to be doing. Somewhere, in the back of my mind, dwelled a little fear and doubt, so I continued to pray for direction. Within days of doing so, I accidentally came across a Natural channel on T.V.-called Veria Network-which airs a show called the INCURABLES. I watched an extraordinary story about Joe Brown-Now a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in treating late stage cancer patients, who had Malignant Melanoma stage III/IV cancer.
I called his office and set up an initial consultation with him which was the best thing I have ever done. I was doing a lot up to this point, things I thought were going to benefit me, but ended up learning so much more about what I needed to be doing that I had never thought of. Then I called a friend of mine, who is a retired Pathologist, and together we extensively researched the treatment and Dr. Joe Brown. My friend was so impressed by the depth of knowledge, integrity, and openness shown from Dr. Brown that I knew this treatment was what I needed. My friend who was a Pathologist with a vast knowledge of the Medical Field told me, “You had better get down and do Dr. Brown’s Treatment! Dr. Brown knows what he’s doing.” I knew I had to hit this cancer as aggressively and as hard as I could.
Once I started treatment and witnessed the true compassion that Dr. Brown has for each and everyone of his patients, I realized that this direction was what I needed to overcome my cancer and have a complete peace of mind with my diagnosis. After three days of treatment, I no longer had joint pain, had no symptoms from my cancer and my energy level increased drastically. Visiting daily with Maggie, Dr. Brown’s Office Manager, who is very dedicated and passionate, made me feel so warm and welcome. I look back now and feel my cancer was truly a gift to me; I am one more CANCER SURVIVOR WHO CHOSE A NATURAL OPTION WITH DR. JOE BROWN.
Due to this treatment with Dr. Brown, I have learned a much healthier lifestyle that will only benefit my future. I feel and hope my story may help someone else realize THERE ARE OTHER OPTIONS FOR CANCER TREATMENT.
UPDATE: 3 MONTHS POST TREATMENT – Debi has had a needle biopsy of the original tumor area and a CT scan completed of her body- both which have came back normal and show no cancer anywhere in her body.
Debi, W.
– Riverton, Wyoming United States
It has been almost four years since I was diagnosed with Stage III/IV Acrail Lentigenous Melanoma that had metastasized to my left groin. I started treatment with Dr. Joe on my 51st birthday; little did I know that that day would be one of the greatest gifts of all. Dr. Joe’s therapy was instrumental in my healing. I was deeply moved by the devotion he had for each of his patients, and so grateful for his knowledge and understanding of my needs. He truly enriched my life. I continue my healthy journey with Dr. Joe’s recommended diet & juicing. The energy level I have is awesome. My last PET scan & labs were done in December 2012 and both of them came back normal with no sign of cancer.

Judi K. 64 year-old female Diagnosed with Stage IV Rectal Cancer with Metastases to the Lungs Bilaterally
What an adventure. I am recuperating from colorectal cancer. I am self-educated in nutrition. I eat right, proper portion size, minimal sweets and exercise. I never took into account stress though. I was under an unusually high stress from trying to keep a business from crashing that I owned.
When I was diagnosed, I didn’t know which way to turn, conventional Treatment or Alternative Treatment. Because I thought I was doing everything that I should to prevent such a diagnosis, I went conventional. The medical field had me terrified and warned me not to take any vitamins. They said it would interfere with the chemo and could interfere with the treatments. Sick! I was very sick from doing chemotherapy to the point of having a hard time moving about the house. I already knew of Dr. Joe Brown and his work with patients with cancer and the Integrative and Alternative Treatments he was using for patients with cancer, but I was not sure of myself and what to do. Boy, do I know better now.
After getting to the point of being so deathly sick from conventional treatments and a grim diagnosis, I started Dr. Browns treatments and eating plan 1 month after my last radiation treatment. The progress I made in just 1 week startled my doctors. The one doctor didn’t recognize me as his patient. I was in a wheel chair with my head hanging the last time he saw me. In two weeks after starting with Dr. Brown, I was driving and going for longer walks. What they were feeding me in the hospital according to their dietitian was actually counter productive in terms of stopping my cancer from spreading, as there are certain foods that aid or feed cancer cells and act like fuel for cancer to continue to grow. Dr. Brown redirected my diet and got me off these foods and on a specific diet for patients with cancer.
I still shake my head in disbelief that they thought Jell-O, soda, make believe cheese, white bread, artificial sweeteners and as many sweets as you wanted was good to eat, yet they didn’t want me to take any vitamins. Go figure.
Dr. Brown has the answers and experience as he was once diagnosed with cancer himself and over come it. He is so right on.
Thank you Dr. Brown. Oh! All my scans are coming back normal.
Judi K.
Tempe, Az.- United States

Joyce Campbell – Stage IV Terminal Lung Cancer with METS To the Brain, Adrenal Gland and Abdomen.
In June 2012, I was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer, with metastases in one lymph node and both adrenal glands. Yikes! This diagnosis caught me totally by surprise as I have always been a very healthy and active person. Other than a slight cough, which I attributed to allergies, I had no symptoms. My oncologist was baffled as testing revealed no genetic markers. After receiving this diagnosis, I decided I would be proactive in my approach to treatment and would work diligently to beat this roadblock in my life!
A friend, who is also a naturopathic doctor, recommended contacting Dr. Brown. He described Dr. Brown’s work with cancer patients and said Dr. Brown was the best around. I did some research, consulted with family and friends, and contacted Dr. Brown. During out initial meeting, Dr. Brown took an extensive medical history. He was actually the first physician who completed a physical examination. He thoroughly explained his treatment program, including diet and supplements. Dr. Brown explained how the vitamins, minerals and injections like Iscador benefit cancer patients. What was really impressive was the fact that each treatment protocol is specific to the patient. In other words, Dr. Brown customizes treatment based upon your specific type of cancer. It was obvious that he had a tremendous understanding of what works best for eachpatient. This made me very comfortable with moving forward. He further discussed the successes his patients had, and told me I should expect the same. I felt his commitment to his patients, as well as his passion for his work, while we were talking. He told me because he had had cancer, there was nothing I could feel or tell him that he hadn’t himself experienced. This was comforting and helped solidify my decision to begin treatment.
Prior to my first chemotherapy treatment, I began the diet plan, supplements and IV infusion treatments. Because of my type of cancer and its advanced stage, we agreed chemotherapy was necessary. I remember Dr. Brown saying “I will get your body in its best shape so that you can begin to heal.” He told me the treatments would help lessen the negative effects of chemotherapy. No truer words have been spoken.My first two chemo sessions were very smooth and I continued with Dr. Brown’s plan. My third session was quite a bit different. I missed some treatments due to my work schedule and Dr. Brown’s schedule. Consequently, I did not bounce back as quickly as after the first two chemo sessions. I remembered Dr. Brown saying your body needs to be prepared for the chemo drugs. He was so right! I am confidently going into my fourth treatment knowing it will be fine because I’m back on plan!
Dr. Brown has treated me with respect, compassion and honesty. He patiently explains how and why everything works, and is always ready to answer questions or address concerns. Dr. Brown uses only the best supplements for his patients because he sincerely wants them to do their best. His knowledge of naturopathy as well as conventional medicine is solid, and his credibility is evident. I believe his expertise in naturopathy and cancer treatment is unmatched. Dr. Brown also has the respect of many oncologists, which is very rare in the medical community.
I firmly believe God places people in our life for very specific reasons. At times, we are unable to understand why. In this instance, it is clear that God directed me to Dr. Brown so that he may help me on my journey to beat cancer! I pray for him (and Maggie!) every day, asking that God give them strength, courage and wisdom to continue their mission. They are truly remarkable people.
If you would like to contact me, or would like me to pray for you, my email is joycam94@yahoo.com. It would be my pleasure to pray for you and help in any way I am able.
Joyce Campbell
Scottsdale, Arizona
I am Happy to Say that my scans are coming back Great!!! All my tumors are disappearing, many are no longer even there, my brain tumor metastasis is gone. This is all within less than 4 weeks………..…THANK YOU DR. BROWN !!!

Kathy Thaut – Sarcoidosis, Chronic Coughing, Fatigue and Swollen Chest Lymphnodes
Cancer is a very scary word to hear as part of any diagnosis whether for yourself or a loved one. I know because I have heard it. My husband, Rod, was diagnosed with mesothelioma on July 21, 2009. His only option from the oncologist was chemotherapy and he did not want to have it so we began our research into other treatments. What we found was the need to deal with the root cause of the disease and not just the disease itself. While the root cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos, not everyone exposed gets the disease therefore there must be a reason some do. Our research led us to believe it was the breakdown of the immune system and the inability to keep cells from becoming cancerous.
If you are checking out this web site then you are likely looking for other options for treatment, just as we did. Dr. Joe Brown gets it. As a cancer survivor himself he knows and understands what you are going through. His passion is intense and his compassion is genuine.
I only wish we had found Dr. Brown sooner than we did in March 2010. Rod began treatment on March 22, 2010 and received treatment every day, seven days a week, until April 20. During that time he gained five pounds, had some days where he was able to go without pain medicine for up to 24 hours and other days where he experienced more energy than normal. On April 21 Rod began his first round of chemotherapy. He decided to have this for two reasons – first he needed to have a port installed in order to make receiving treatment easier and second he wanted to be sure he was accessing all tools available in order to fight his battle and was hopeful it would ease his pain. Unfortunately, Rod’s immune system was not yet strong enough to handle even a low dose of chemo and within a little over a month the cancer had spread and on July 1, 2010- he lost his battle.
It may be difficult for those of you thinking about traveling to Arizona to seek treatment which may be unknown and foreign to you, however it is well worth making the trip. Another obstacle could be financial. How do you value a chance to live? Some insurance companies will cover this treatment and although Dr. Brown’s office does not submit insurance claims he has someone who can help you.
After my husband’s death I had some interesting symptoms and after obtaining a thorough workup and diagnosis it was found that I have Sarcoidosis. Sarcoidosis is an attack on the lymph nodes mainly in the bronchial and lung area for me that causes Shortness of Breath, enlarged lymph nodes in the chest as well as other symptoms. The medical community does not know what causes Sarcoidosis and the standard of care is prednisone, a steroid. I initially went on the steroid, but didn’t like it as all pharmaceuticals have many side effects which I quickly began experiencing. After discovering what I actually had, I headed back to Arizona to see Dr. Brown to build my immune system and give my body a chance to fight back whatever is attacking it and causing this condition called Sarcoidosis. After only 2 days of being back down in Dr. Brown’s clinic, and placing me on a series of therapies I am now weaning off of it due to the fact that I cannot stand the side effects and am beginning to feel better after only the 2 days of his Intravenous and Inhalation therapies.
Dr. Brown and Maggie are so caring, welcoming and understanding. They will assist you with whatever you need while in town. The time spent with others and Dr. Brown while receiving treatment is invaluable. The opportunity to ask questions and get answers from the doctor each time you are receiving treatment is unique and extremely helpful. Sometimes when dealing with a stressful disease it takes several conversations to understand and internalize the information, and Dr. Brown allows for the time it takes for each individual to get questions answered and understanding to happen. I believe you will be hard pressed to find a more caring doctor who truly knows what you are going through. It is truly worth meeting Dr. Joe Brown.
Kathy Thaut
University Place, WA
November 17, 2010

Pam S. 47 Year-Old Female- Diagnosed with Long Term Chronic Bowel Issues- Constipation, Bloating, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and More Recently an Acute Viral Infection.
I met Dr. Joe Brown in the fall of 2009. I had ongoing problems with my stomach and intestines which had worsened that year after my gall bladder was removed. After meeting with a gastroenterologist, and undergoing diagnostic tests, he told me there was nothing he could prescribe for me, as the only drug which would have helped was removed from the market by the FDA. So, I continued in discomfort until I met Dr. Joe. After discussing the issues with him, Dr. Brown placed me on a regimen that consisted of diet changes, Physician Grade Supplementation, and some Intravenous therapies and Injections and literally within a few days I began feeling better than I’ve felt in years and after a few weeks I can say the problem that has plagued me for most of my life has disappeared. I am also now aware of what was triggering the problem that I’ve dealt with and has plagued me for so much of my life.
Following his advice, my condition has significantly improved. The discomfort I previously experienced is virtually gone! I am amazed that this longstanding problem can be resolved so easily with a healthy, Naturopathic Regimen.
More recently, I was trying to fight off a bad viral infection. Dr. Joe began giving me IVs to strengthen my immune system and raise my white blood cell count. One of the IVs was a hydrogen peroxide solution to cleanse my system, followed by an IV with numerous high doses of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, anti-inflammatories, etc. Once again, he also prescribed a Physician Grade Line of Supplements. I was thrilled when I did not become sick from the infection.
Thank you SO much Dr. Joe! I am so grateful to you for all the help you have given me! I feel so much better! You are the best.
Thank You Dr. Joe!
Pam S.

Dan N. 69 year-old male Diagnosed with Stage IV Prostate Cancer that had metastasized to the Bone
Dr. Joe,
Please allow me the opportunity to express my appreciation and thanks for the treatment and care that I have received from you and your staff since being diagnosed with cancer in August 2007. I met you shortly after being told I was dealing with prostate cancer that had metastasized to my bones. Knowing that the metastasis had already taken place on the day of diagnosis, and being told I was facing stage 4 cancer certainly gave me cause for concern. I had made up my mind many years previous that should I ever be faced with cancer treatment, I would seek out Alternative/Natural methods to treat it.
Thank the Good Lord that He placed you in my path early on, and I began treatment with you about 30 days after diagnosis. At first, I was pleasantly surprised that the various MD’s I visited had not recommended chemotherapy or radiation, later to find out, that they seemed to be saying to me that bone cancer does not go away and were preparing me to live with it and that I should not expect anything other than gradual progression of the bone lesions. Upon my first consultation with you I learned of Your I.V. treatment, and began that right away. That, along with the rather radical change in diet (which no MD has ever mentioned) plus the oral supplements that you suggested, the progress has been rather amazing, or perhaps miraculous would be a better word. I say that because of the fact that there has been an army of prayer warriors, literally from around the world, offering their support.
The prayers are being answered. A recent PET scan has revealed that two spots on my ribs and one on my femur are no longer cancerous! The remaining spots on my pelvis and spine are diminishing. The Oncologist stated that within a year with what I was doing he could see me in complete remission. My belief is that it will happen by August of this year, which is one year after diagnosis.
There is one other dimension of your treatment that must be mentioned, Dr. Joe, which is the positive and caring attitude that encompasses your office and IV room. You and your staff offer all of us a very pleasant feeling of being loved while we are in this difficult time of our lives. I look forward to coming in and experiencing that warmth as well as the camaraderie that we patients enjoy with each other.
I have to thank God many times for bringing us together, and I wish for you continued success in your practice.
Warm regards,
Dan N.
Tempe, Arizona

Beth D. 51 year-old Diagnosed with Q Fever (Coxiella burnetii) and Sister of a Patient with Malignant Melanoma Cancer
I will never forget hanging up after receiving a phone call from my husband that made a huge impact on my life. He had called to tell me that one of my dearest friends and beloved foster sister had cancer, which turned out to be Stage 3 Malignant Melanoma. Although I’m not easily disgruntled, I sat down and cried for a few moments, then became filled with determination to stand behind her and anger at this horrible disease for striking her. Debi went through her ordeal with courage and a strong mind, and I tried to give her every bit of support that I could. We both had experienced close ones having cancer before; some lived, while others did not. We had seen a lot of suffering along the way and had talked aobut Natural Treatments versus traditional and seen success with Natural Treatments.
I knew what I felt, however didn’t want to influence Debi’s decision on her own treatment choices. We had prayer chains started, healing sweats with the Medicine Man, and prayed a lot in our own lives. Debi made the decision to change her diet, use herbs and vitamins, and refused the options given her by an Oncologist. She researched her disease thoroughly and continued to pray for direction to help her conquer the cancer. When we went to see Debi and her family one day, Debi had us watch a T.V. show she had taped called “THE INCURABLES” off Veria Network they had seen about Dr. Joe Brown, who had been diagnosed with malignant Melanoma 11 years ago and survived using Natural Treatments.
Debi and a friend, a retired Pathologist, researched both the treatments and Dr. Brown and were so impressed with Dr. Brown’s expertise and vast knowledge of cancer and Alternative Treatments. Debi knew this was the direction she wanted to take. I was fortunate to be able to go to Arizona with Debi and was forever touched by the experiences we saw and shared.
Dr. Brown and his Office Manager-Maggie, were some of the most sincere and compassionate people I have ever met. Their daily interactions with others were always so positive and supportive, as well as professional. I was touched by the true caring and hard work they did each and everyday, and always with a smile on their faces.
Debi is well on her way to recovery now and I was able to witness this healing with several other patients of Dr. Brown’s as well. When I finally asked if cancer was all Dr. Brown treated, I found he dealt with a myriad of health issues using Natural Treatments. This discovery led me to becoming one of his patients while I was down there in Arizona and he helped me overcome the after effects of being treated for a disease called Q fever or Coxiella burnetii 4 years ago.
I felt better immediately from Dr. Brown’s I.V. protocol and supplementation and diet, and now have a tremendous amount of energy and no pain at all. This is one road I will always be grateful I traveled while being taught so much in the process from Dr. Brown’s wisdom and experience. He is a man who has compassion, wisdom, and experience way beyond his years.
It has been a great pleasure to get to know “Dr. Joe Brown” and “Maggie”, who in my eyes are true and humble heroes.
Beth D.
– Riverton, Wyoming United States

Sandi R. – T-Cell Lymphoma
Dr. Joe,
I didn’t realize there were so many heroes in the world until I got cancer.
After 11 months of chemo, radiation, and a stem cell transplant, the T-cell Lymphoma came back. Devastated and prayerful, my husband and I finally took my sister’s advice and went to see Dr. Joe Brown in Arizona.
He treated me for only three days that first time we arrived to learn about him. I remember, my last day of treatment was on a Wednesday, and Dr. Brown said I’d feel better on Friday. Well, he was wrong. I felt better the very next day, on Thursday!
When I got home and my friends and family saw how good I was doing, they charged in with numerous fundraisers. God provided just enough money for me to see Dr. Brown again.
Now, I am cancer free!
I went from barely making it up the stairs by myself to running after my four-year-old little girl. Not only is Dr. Brown my hero, he’s also a hero to my friends and family, and especially to my husband and children.
Thank you, Dr. Brown. Thank you for saving my life. May God bless you!
Sandi R.

Leon S. 74 year old male Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer
I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in September 2007. Thanks to Dr. Joe Brown, I went through the scheduled radiation treatments that were recommended by my Oncologist, along with Dr. Joe’s I.V. and Injection protocol and had no side effects at all! I now know the positive effects of good nutrition combined with the treatments I received from Dr. Brown. This experience turned out to be very informative, Dr. Brown led me thru the process explaining exactly what needed to be done, and it has given me a positive outcome, as I an now Cancer-Free!
Leon S.
Mesa, Arizona
*** UPDATE ***
January 2013 After regular check-ups still no sign of any prostate cancer, still cancer free… THANK YOU DOCTOR BROWN!!!

Richard L. 63 year old male, Diagnosed with Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), Pre-Cancerous Lesions, and Sciatic pains due to a previous back injury.
I originally heard Dr. Joe Brown speaking as he was the Co-Host of Natural Talk Radio and later contacted him regarding an appointment in his office for conditions of High Blood Pressure, Pre-cancerous skin lesions, Heart Health and preventative care, and sciatic pains I was having due to a slipped disc three years previous from a back injury.
To my surprise the dozen or so treatments by Dr. Brown not only helped clear up my skin issues I was having but a recent dermatology appointment that I went to concluded that I
no longer had any pre-cancerous lesions present. I was beyond happy when I was told this, as I was very concerned about this, as it was an ongoing issue I have dealt with for quite sometime. Furthermore, my blood pressure, which was markedly high, was normal within a few appointments with Dr. Brown and the sciatic pain in my leg completely subsided.
This was also very important to me, because it was something that had been plaguing my daily workout and living routine and now is completely resolved.
I now see Dr. Joe Brown every 3 weeks for ongoing prevention and for the camaraderie that I fine from interacting with Dr. Brown, his staff and the other patients in his office.
Richard L.
South Carolina / Arizona

Mary Joyce B. – LITERALLY DYING IN MY OFFICE – Verge of Heart Attack, Stroke, 911 !!!
When I presented to Dr. Joe Brown’s clinic for my health consultation and physical exam, I had no idea that I was literally dying in his office. When he initially took my blood pressure it was severely elevated, and when he checked it the second time, it was up to stroke level and climbing!
Dr. Brown informed me of my impending medical crisis, and gave me the choice of calling 9-1-1 for the ambulance to the ER or being treated by him at the clinic. I chose his treatment option because I knew his skills and capabilities would save me. He treated me for several hours which brought my high blood pressure down to a safer level so I could leave the clinic and go to the hotel, but with orders to return each day to the clinic for treatment for the remainder of my stay in the area.
He knew that if my high blood pressure wasn’t stabilized before I boarded the plane for my return flight, I could die in mid-air! Following the recommendations of his Lifestyle Change Protocol, I successfully avoided a stroke or heart attack en route. Glad to say, I arrived back home safe and sound.
With his continued monitoring I now: am taking the supplements I need, have blood work levels that are perfect, am exercising and weight-training regularly, have lost sixty pounds and am keeping my stress level under control.
My NDE (Near-Death Experience) caused a personal transformation that changed my life from ordinary to extraordinary! I saw things in a new way and I began a new life with new plans to restore health to the sick and change their lives for the better. Presently, I am sharing this information by giving motivational speeches locally.
Dr. Brown has literally and figuratively saved my life. He is a “Miracle Man” himself who has wrought a miraculous change in me for which I am, and forever will be, extremely grateful.
Thank you, Dr. Brown.
Mary Joyce B.
Howell, MI

Blanche W. 67 year old female Diagnosed with Stage IV Ovarian Cancer, High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol, Type II Diabetes Uncontrolled and side effects from Chemotherapy
The First day that I entered Dr. Joe Brown’s office I could barely walk down the hall to the Initial Consult Room, and I mean literally, I could barely walk. I had many things going on that I needed help with; a Very High Blood pressure, High Cholesterol, Diabetes Type II Uncontrolled, and most of all, Stage IV Ovarian Cancer. I had started Chemotherapy previous to my daughter in Chicago finding out about Dr. Brown. Due to the chemotherapy, I was having many side effects, including neuropathy which was really plaguing me. The chemotherapy and surgeries had definitely taken their tole on me.
I immediately began treatment, and within a few I.V.’s and being placed on his diet and supplement routine, the neuropathy had totally subsided, I was off all of my medications I came in on and after running follow up scans to detect cancer, there was no cancer showing up. Dr. Brown had brought on remarkable changes for me. My body no longer hurts, I am able to get up from a chair and couch again without assistance, something I couldn’t do previously. I recently had another scan for cancer and nothing is showing up, I am so Grateful for finding Dr. Joe Brown.
Blanche W.
Phoenix, Arizona

Anne J. 62 year-old Female, Diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the oral cavity, with mets to the lymphnodes and base of tongue
Dear Dr. Joe,
Thank you so much for all your concern, and for sharing your knowledge of how to vercome cancer. Since I first entered your office in May of 2008 I have felt so cared for and cared about by you and your staff. You have changed my life in many ways. I no longer eat meat, dairy, wheat, caffeine, alcohol, salt of sugar. Instead I juice fruits and vegetables and your favorite food, garlic and I eat a healthy diet of vegetables, fruits as well as eggs and wild caught ocean fish. I also drink water all day, exercise more than before, and I am steadily losing weight.
I have felt so much better since I began the high-dose vitamin I.V. treatments with the Glutathione and Iscador Injections. I have a lot more energy, and my other doctors are pleased with how quickly I am healing from my surgeries.
The group setting that you have in the treatment room is also such a big bonus because we can all share our experiences, offer each other encouragement and swap recipes for a whole new eating style. The camaraderie is so soothing to those of us facing serious illnesses, because no one else can understand the trauma we are experiencing.
Dr. Joe, you are our mentor and our guide. You have walked the path we are on, and you have been victorious over cancer. The fact is that you are a beacon of hope for all of us who are going through treatment. Your personal experience has made you much more empathetic to all of your patients.
Thank you so much for caring about me.
Anne J.
Chandler, Arizona
*** UPDATE ***
January 2013 Complete remission – no signs of any cancer found.

Monica U. 47 year-old Female, Diagnosed with Stage II/III Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma of the Breast
Dr. Brown,
I am “eternally grateful, forever in your debt, how can I ever repay you” and so much more than that!!
Truly, there are no words to express my gratitude and appreciation for “YOU” and all you have done for me. Your support and care. I am the lucky one, to be in Your Care. Your are an Amazing person and Im SO BLESSED that YOU ARE MY DOCTOR!!!
Monica U.
Tempe, Arizona

Dennis M. 64 year-old Male, Diagnosed with Stage III Colon cancer with spread to surrounding lymphnodes
I was diagnosed with cancer in my Small Intestine. After going through surgery as my Surgeon and Oncologist suggested, I was informed that they found more cancer in the surrounding lymph-nodes. Not knowing it at the time, but once there is cancer found outside of the primary tumor location, surgery is no longer an option, and chemotherapy is now what is recommended by the Medical Oncologists. Something no one expects or looks forward to.
Well, where do I begin? When diagnosed with the cancer, I didn’t know what to do, and where to turn. We were extremely blessed by God when an acquaintance told us he had seen Dr. Joe Brown on Good Morning Arizona on Channel 3 T.V. Dr. Joe Brown had Won the SPIRIT AWARD from Channel 3 T.V.
So….after much research by a few members of my family I chose to go and see Dr. Joe at his office. It was there that HOPE began. I was always greeted by friendly smiles. Dr. Joe wanted to know me, not just hear about my diagnosis. I was a person with a diagnosis, not just a diagnosis. He listened to EVERYTHING I had to say. He never cut our conversation short. He answered every question until I was satisfied never making me feel for a minute, that I was taking up his time. He is the most caring and genuinely concernced Doctor I have ever met. I felt that I received the treatment at the level that any relative or loved one of his own, would have received. He treated me like I was his family.
I was constantly encouraged and the atmosphere was ALWAYS POSITIVE. Don’t get me wrong, Doc pulls no punches. He tells it like it is and expects cooperation for results but he was in it with me for the long haul….if that’s what it took. When I did go and do a round of chemo, I started with Dr. Brown first, and literally had NO SIDE EFFECTS of the chemo, which astonished all who knew what I was going through.
I am happy to report that my last 3 scans were negative (COMPLETELY NORMAL) as well as all my blood work!! I will continue to follow up with Dr. Joe and consider him not only my Doctor but my friend, which I’m sure all his patients feel because that’s just the way he is.
I have kept in contact with Dr. Brown all these years, still cancer free.
Thanks Dr. Joe for following your calling. YOU ARE A BLESSING!!
Dennis M.
Phoenix, Arizona

Bertha V. 48 year-old female, Breast Cancer Survivor Stage IIIB – Diagnosed August 2002
When I was diagnosed, I prayed and meditated everyday. I new nothing about cancer or about Alternative Medicine. I thought the only choice I had was conventional treatment. I tried to educate myself on nutrition and all my health issues.
Conventional doctors tell you nothing about nutrition or other treatments that may be available. I immediately started juicing and changing my diet. I had other CANCER SURVIVORS tell me about Alternative Treatments and Naturopathic Doctors. But at the time, I did nothing to look into Alternative Medicine. After completing chemotherapy, I was told I was in remission, after I completed the 6 cycles from Hell. I completed a total of 10 cycles of chemo and 7 weeks of radiation. After 10 months of conventional treatment, I was left life-less.
I am a firm believer that the conventional treatment will kill you before the cancer will. I was recommended to see a Holistic Doctor in the valley, which I decided to go with the protocol she put together. Way too many procedures to mention.
I then came across Dr. Joe Brown’s testimony approximately 1 year ago, while shopping at SunFlower Markets. I was impressed with his Testimony, because when I was going thru the conventional treatment, my husband, daughters, family and friends were very supportive, but what was extremely important to me was to talk to another cancer survivor. Dr. Brown is a Cancer Survivor himself. This is extremely important as he knows exactly what you’re going through, as he once was as well. He’s lived this battle.
Dr. Brown new exactly how I felt, mentally, emotionally and physically. Previous to meeting Dr. Brown, I started feeling very tired and my joints were aching pretty severely. I was doing what the Holistic Doctor had suggested but wasn’t getting any better. As well as I had a few other he lath issues I was dealing with. I realized I needed to find a Doctor that could help me, someone who understood the diagnosis that I had been given. I did not want to go back to the Holistic Doctor, as I felt I needed more Advanced Alternative Care.
I would not even think of going to a conventional doctor, because what’s so typical is just being placed on more pharmaceutical drugs. I refuse to take any drugs.
The more I prayed, God guided me to call Dr. Brown. I also shared with Dr. Brown I would never want to go thru chemo or radiation as long as I am alive, ever again. Dr. Brown put together my own Personal Protocol. My pain decreased by 50% with the very first I.V. Treatment. He also placed me on diet and supplement regimen that was detailed specifically for my case. I could not believe how much better I felt. I am doing so good I still continue to go in just for maintenance treatments.
I feel like I can start living again!
Please call Dr. Brown and find out what he can do for you. Dr. Brown, with your personal experience as a Cancer Survivor-You are the BEST!!!! I continue to Thank God for bringing us together.
May God continue to bless You and your practice and all your patients.
Sincerely, Bertha V.
Tempe, Arizona

Al Martochio
I became aware of Dr Joe Brown approximately 5 yrs ago because I am a board member of the Melonhead Foundation, a Foundation which helps pediatric patients diagnosed with cancer. Dr. Brown donates much of his time to the Melonhead Foundation in which he gives both his time and free gifts to the Foundation to help raise money for patients diagnosed with cancer. I have witnessed terminally ill cancer patients return to good health under Dr.Joe’s care.
I have referred numerous friends and acquaintances to Dr Joe. I referred a very close friend of mine with Prostrate cancer who is now in 100% complete remission after becoming his patient back in 2007. It took my friend only a couple of months of seeing Dr. Brown and he was in remission of his prostate cancer.
I myself have seen Dr Joe (in July 2010) after coming down with a severe viral infection and after seeing Dr. Joe personally- I was back on my feet in two days with his assistance. I know Dr Joe can provide you with the path to walk to get back to a state of well being, as long as you are willing and committed to helping yourself, it is possible. I have seen it with my own eyes, and seeing is believing.
Thanks Dr. Joe.
Al Martochio

Cindi R. – Diagnosed with High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Elevated blood Sugar, Feeling Fatigued.
September 25, 2009
Tim (my husband) and I first heard about Dr. Joe Brown in March of last year. At that point, Tim said he wanted to wait until Mayo said “We’ve done all we can for you,” before he wanted to pursue naturopathic medicine. Well, in May-ish of 2008, we pretty much got to that point with Mayo.
Tim decided maybe it was time to pursue the other avenue of treatment and we had been referred to three NMDs including Dr. Brown. We decided to go with the one we could get the first apointment with, which was one of the other doctors, but we called and made an appointment with Dr. Brown as well. Tim felt comfortable with the first doctor and decided that “the next one would be similar, just recommend their own course of treatment, and we could save some money.” So we cancelled the appointment with Dr. Brown. The other doctor did relieve Tim’s pain, somewhat, but did not do much else. There were some recommendations of diet change but Tim said, “I feel changing my diet to that degree would be changing my quality of life and I am not prepared to go that far, yet.”
Well, things took their course and Tim is no longer with me. Shortly after Tim’s death, I made the decision that I needed to change my eating and excersizing habits and basic health, in general, and decided to go see Dr. Brown in October of last year. I had been on Lipitor for two years, due to high cholesterol, and was going toward having to take something for adult-onset diabetes. I knew I didn’t want to start down the “just take this drug” for everything isle.
My treatments with Dr. Brown consist of IV infusion of my own personal mixed set of minerals, amino acids, etc. Many things that are depleted from our American diet, along with all the additives in our food today. He recommended a pretty structured diet, mostly vegetables, some meats and minimal dairy, and also several oral supplements.
When I began treatment with Dr. Brown, my cholesterol was at 241 (with being on the Lipitor) and my blood sugar level was at 99 (100 is the concern level). Within 2 weeks, I was not taking any prescription drugs, including Ambien for sleeping. My last blood test in early August showed that my cholesterol is down to 181, my blood sugar level is in the 80’s, and I take natural sleep aid, Melatonin (but no longer have to take it on a regular basis).
I can only tell you from my own experience (and what I have seen of his work with other patients in the office) that Dr. brown’s personal approach to each person’s unique problems seems to be the way to go. I feel it is somewhat unfortunate that he is known as “The Cancer Doctor,” since he also treats people on the preventative end, before they have a life threatening disease. However, I understand he has helped many, many cancer patients with their quality of life and even helped get them in remission. He is a very personable doctor and take the time to talk with you about your own individual needs and desires. It’s almost like group therapy, along with hanving personal time with Dr. Brown.
I pray that you will find the right course of action to take regarding your medical problems.
God bless,

Benny P.

Marie-Anne V. 47 year old female, previously Diagnosed and struggling with a Chronic Fungal Infection and complications that have persisted leading to Thyroid and other long-term problems.
I discovered Dr. Joe Brown while reading “The Valley of the Sun Wellness Institute” magazine in my doctors waiting room, where I noticed him as a Senior Board Member. My health had progressively been deteriorating for the past four years and I was desperate to find a real doctor who would help me get rid of an invasive fungal infection that was taking over my entire body. I was exhausted and in constant pain. Here is what happened:
2004 massive fungal infection in my tonsils.
Antibiotics fail to stop the infection.
Fungus is left untreated and starts invading throat and organs.
Thyroid starts acting out and swelling like my tonsils (all at the same time).
2006 tonsil surgery (cancer free the only test performed on sick organs)
2007 Thyroid surgery (cancer free the only test performed on sick organs)
Fungus is now in my throat, lymphatic system, breast, ears, chest bones and jaw.
I saw a good dozen of doctors (family, endocrinologist, ENT, gastro MDs) who diagnosed me with a new hereditary or chronic disease each time I saw them.
2007: Before meeting Dr. Brown, I spent $10,000.00 in medical bills only to get sicker and weaker. My money was running out.
Doctor Joe Brown, Naturopathic doctor saved his own life from skin cancer- Melanoma stage III/IV about 10 years ago.
His methods to treat and help all patients are simple: boost your immune system thru a myriad of treatments, including; injections using High dose i.v. therapy and Iscador formula that induces the multiplication of Immune cells and macrophages in your blood.
Detoxify the body with high doses of I.V.s and separately using Glutathione to further boost your immunity.
Strict diet to follow: no sugar, no salt, no dairy, no meat, no grains (mold settles in grain storage), no yeast (no bread, no wine, no beers). What is left to eat? Fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs and fish (no farmed fish).
Maintain your PH at 7.3.
Supplement your diet with Probiotics and herbs. Use distilled vinegar and olive oil for salad dressing. Use green tea with lemon for breakfast.
I am healing fast. I have not felt like this in years. I am now optimistic because within two weeks that I have been treated with Doctor Brown, I have seen my swollen glands shrink. I can have a life again. I also have to add that I enjoyed going to Doctor Browns office because he is compassionate, humble and shares information. It is like going to a family meeting. There is trust, happiness and empathy. I have my life back!!
Here is Doctor Joe Browns site: www.DrJoeBrown.com
Doctor Brown takes care of patients of who are very sick: Cancer, AIDS, Chronic Diseases, etc
Doctor Brown can treat and heal everybody without exception.
Give this information to your family and friends. Do not waste your time and money with your doctors. Blood tests for fungus are inconclusive because we all have fungus in our body. It may not show in your results if it is localized to one organ only. Specific tests need to be run for this purpose. Medical Doctors do not study fungal invasion in medical schools! The most prevalent organism on the planet!! PS: A PIECE OF ADVICE: BE AN INFORMED PATIENT. SEE DR. BROWN
Marie-Anne V.
France / Arizona

Jack H. – 82 year-old Now completely free of all prescription meds, feeling healthier than ever.
Dear Dr. Joe
I’ve been planning to write you this letter for at least two year’s. It’s hard to find the time when you’re having so much fun.
Dr. Joe in two days I will be celebrating my 80th birthday thanks to you. I remember back six years ago when I first came into your office. I was on Darvon and that little blue pill and feeling very low. My legs hurt and I was ready to give up on the golden years ahead.
I placed my faith in you. The care you provided was something I’ve never in 80 years experienced- your attentiveness, alertness, and caring for me was like no other. In thirty days I was off ALL med’s and was beginning to feel good again. I did what you advised and now I’m healthy, work in my garden, feed and care for my chickens and ride my bike everyday. As you know I ride 15-20 miles almost daily. And thanks to you- I can still ride 80 miles in a day. I now wear a shirt that says on the back….”YOU’VE BEEN PASSED BY AN 80 YEAR OLD”!
Thanks to your care and direction, I don’t have to use that rocking chair. I can enjoy life, enjoy my family and go fishing whenever I want.
You have my deepest respect and thanks.
Jack H. – 80 Years old
Scottsdale, Arizona

Ann H. 58 year-old female Diagnosed with Diabetes Type II, and also came in to Lose Weight
Using Dr. Browns Mesotherapy/Lipotherapy Injections
Dear Dr. Brown
I wanted to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks. I feel better than great and everyone around me notices the healthier me.
Where do I begin? I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes several years ago. I have been on medication for those years and have become frustrated with the medications and the lack of direction from other professionals.
I recently became aware of Natural Alternatives and contacted Dr. Joe Brown, which was the best decision of my life.
Dr. Brown took me through a personalized program designed for my needs and life-style. His step by step therapy, nutritional and diet changes; supplements and individual attention allowed me to stop the medications. My blood sugars are right on target and so is my blood pressure.
Dr. Brown started the Lipo-Injections on me and I have lost weight, which was almost impossible before. I do not have cravings and I do not feel hungry. The extra energy has allowed me to enjoy bike riding, which I love and running after my 2-year-old grandson.
I cant begin to explain how great I feel. I am energetic; sleeping well and my attitude has changed. I am a much happier person and am no longer plagued by the side effects from medications.
Last week I reached my first goal. I did a charity bike ride completing 26.5 miles in 2.5 hours. This may not seem like much to an avid road bicyclist but two months ago, I could not even ride 5 miles.
I thought I would have to stay on medications the rest of my life but I was able to take control with Dr. Browns help and its great being free. I cant express how good it feels to be on the road to a healthier life-style.
PS By my cooking and eating healthier, I have passed that along to my husband and have lightened his body and lengthened his life as well.
Thanks Dr. Brown
Ann H.
Scottsdale, Arizona- United States

Debra C. – Stage III Breast Cancer
Dear Dr. Brown:
I really do not have the words to thank you for all that you and Maggie have done for me not only in treating my cancer successfully but in changing my life in a truly positive way. I remember our first meeting when I had just received my diagnosis and was terrified, depressed and very unhealthy. Your treatment program was the alternative to chemo and radiation that I truly wanted to avoid. After my initial appointment with you I realized that I was going to have to make commitments to changes that seemed insurmountable to me. When I left your office that first evening I truly did not think that I could make the changes you required but the alternative was worse and in the next couple of days I did make the commitment to myself to do what you asked.
That was the beginning of a profound change in my lifestyle and the beginning of my journey back to health. The support I received from you, from Maggie and from the patients I got to know in your office made those changes possible.
I struggled with program at first but every time I thought I could not continue the diet and the treatment I only had to contemplate my limited choices to realize that my future was literally in my own hands and guided by your knowledge.
My recovery has been complete and I believe that what you taught me had everything to do with the 100% return to health. I feel more physically fit, mentally alert and happier than I can ever remember being.
The greater growth for me was in learning how lucky I really and in watching how you and Maggie both truly care for the people who pass through your clinic. My hope is that one day soon this treatment will become recognized for it’s true value by the entire medical community and covered by insurance so that more people have the choice to be treated.
I recommend your services to everyone that I meet or even hear about with this disease. The treatment was so beneficial to me and I cannot thank you enough.
Debra C.
Mesa, AZ

Gary Wendike Age: 61 Years Old Diagnosis: Terminal Stage IV Prostate Cancer
History: In August of 2006, I had a physical examine that revealed my PSA was 15. This was higher than the norm and I was advised to meet with an Urologist to confirm the test and check for prostate cancer. I met with the Urologist mid-September at which point he advised the only way to confirm the results was to have a biopsy. I had the biopsy and by the end of September, the Urologist confirmed I had PC, PSA15 with a Gleason score of 7. I also developed and infection due to the biopsy.
After consultation with Doctor, I was advised my options were either to operate and remove the prostate or have radiation treatments. I chose the operation. The operation took place Jan 3, 2007. After the operation, the Dr advised I had an abscess on the prostate and that there were signs of the cancer in the seminal vessels. I was setup to meet with my Doctor in May at which time I was to have my first PSA. The result of the PSA was 0.25. Without a prostate, the results should be <0.1. I was advised by my Doctor to start radiation treatments to move the PSA to be <0.1. In August, I started 26 treatments. After all the treatments, I was again scheduled to meet with my Doctor in December 2007. The results of my PSA at the point was <0.1. Everything was fine until December 2008. The result of my PSA test was 0.34. This indicates cancer activity was again prevalent. I took another PSA test April 12, 2009, the results were 1.12. The cancer was being quite active. According to my Urologist, the treatment options were Hormone Therapy followed by Chemotherapy. I was to meet with him again in June 2009 to further discuss my options Neither of these options appealed to me, as they do nothing to help put the cancer in remission, they only push out or delay the growth process. Additionally, they destroy the body.
After my meeting in December, I decided to see what books existed on dealing with prostate cancer. My hope was to find some direction on how to overcome prostate cancer. I bought several books and tried a couple of the remedies listed. I researched the internet for direction. There seemed to be several people with advice, but was not to sure about the results. Since my meeting was not until June, I figured I had some time to check out a couple of remedies as outlined in the books. Neither of the remedies I chose worked.
I decided to look around for other options. I wanted a treatment that was more body friendly and had the potential for cancer remission to take place. I was fortunate to find Dr Joe Brown’s web site. I found testimonials of people who had been treated with very good results. It was also intriguing to see the results he had with his own life. I contacted Dr Brown in late March to setup a consultation. I finally was able to meet with Dr Brown and start treatments 04/20/2009. As of 05/29/2009, I have completed two sessions with Dr Brown. I am now in the process of doing my first PSA test since the treatments. I am confident the results will be in the right direction. As Dr. Brown was very diligent with all therapies and directions and I cannot suggest a better Doctor when looking for Alternative Therapies for Cancer.
Dr. Brown is the Best!!
Gary Wendike

Kristi M. 36 year-old female Came in due to Fatigue and for Dr. Browns Mesotherapy/Lipotherapy Injections (As Seen On T.V.)
I lost all the weight from my 3 pregnancies, but was very frustrated because I was not able to get rid of the cellulite on my upper thighs. I’m a slender woman who works out 5 days a week, and have very healthy, disciplined eating habits. Dieting was not an option for me, as I didn’t want to loose weight– that’s when I met Dr. Joe Brown.
In just 4, Lipo-dissolve appointments with Dr. Brown, I reached my goal of loosing 2 inches on each thigh and around my midsection and low buttock region. Dr. Brown is exceptional, and I’d recommend him to any one.
Flight Attendant based in PHX
Kristi M.
Phoenix Az. United States